Brad Meltzer has posted the cover to JLA #7 at his Myspace page. Take the jump for Meltzer’s brief comments and the full sized image.
Here it is, the cover to JLA #7, courtesy of Eric Wight, George Perez, Luke McDonnell, Kevin Maguire, Howard Porter, Gene Ha, and Ed Benes. And yes, that’s the issue where they get the new headquarters.
Writers need to know when to shut up, so I’m letting the image speak for itself.
Thanks to Eric Wight for the brilliant design.
via Brad Meltzer MySpace (link)
1 Comment
I read #6 today, and realized that I haven’t the foggiest idea what’s going on. That’s not a good sign for me, especially as I love Vixen, Red Tornado, Black Canary Black Lightning and Roy.
And, is it just me, or is this the first time the team has two African-American members (that’s assuming Vixen is American by naturalization)?