DC Comics has sent Major Spoilers a sneak peek at a couple titles arriving in stores this week. This week Detective #829 (not written by Dini) finds a trapped Bruce Wayne unable to done his costume, instead relying on Robin to save everyone in Wayne Tower.
This week also features the second installment of Shazam! The Monster Society of Evil. I’m already in love with the retelling of this tale, and can’t wait to devour the story and art in this Jeff Smith title.
Detective Comics #829
Written by Stuart Moore
Art by Andy Clarke
Cover by Simone Bianchi
DETECTIVE COMICS ships twice in March to present “The Siege,” a nail-biting 2-part suspense story written by Stuart Moore (FIRESTORM, Punisher X-Mas Special) and Andy Clarke (BATMAN: FACE THE FACE)! A costumed terrorist called VOX plans to blow up Wayne Tower — and he’s trapped Bruce Wayne in a top-floor conference room. Aided only by his mentor’s radioed instructions, Robin must face the bomber alone!
On-Sale March 7 for $2.99
Shazam! The Monster Society of Evil
Written by Jeff Smith
Art and Cover by Smith
Part 2 of the 4-part miniseries written and illustrated by the award-winning Jeff Smith (Bone)! Not only does Billy Batson have a sister…but when he finds her he shares his newfound magical powers with her! And just in time, as Dr. Sivana, Mr. Mind and the Monster Society make their moves on Captain Marvel and the civilized world.
On-Sale March 7 for $5.99
When did Billy Batson become a ten year old? I thought it was odd that issue one was put in the children’s book section at the comic shop I go to but I get it now.
Steve: From what I have been able to gather, Billy Batson (when first introduced) was between 10 and 12 years old, which would put him right around the age of the audience reading Captain Marvel in the 1940s.
Of course throughout the ages he age has been upped – the first Captain Marvel serials from the 40s and 50s had him in his late teens – but the Superman/Shazam! First Thunder (a great reference to what Captain Marvel was almost named) resets Billy to be around 10 or 11 when Superman meets him for the first time.
Again, that is from my fast and rapid research into Billy Batson, our resident Comic Historian Matt might be able to offer further clarification on the age, but I do know Jeff Smith is on record as saying this mini series is in continuity and is a look back at the history of Captain Marvel.
Regardless, this is a great read and is certainly a great homage to the time period.
Stephen Schleicher
I know Smith has made that continuity statement repeatedly but saying it means nothing. After all, Clark Kent as the news anchor of WGBS was once in continuity as well. I’ll pass on this since I’m perfectly happy with what’s going on in Trials Of Shazam.
I like Trials too, but I wish the story would speed up just a wee bit, although jumping into the gut of a giant pig god and then blowing it up with your magic phrase was pretty cool. I doubt we’ll see anything like that in The Monster Society of Evil though.
The way I look at it is this: For the first time in decades we have a CHOICE of more than one Captain Marvel, and thus, everybody wins. :)
I can’t recall anyone ever saying for certain how old Billy is/was supposed to be, other than visual cues. John Byrne always drew him in Legends as looking about ten, but immediately afterwards he looked 14ish in Justice League.
Jeff’s art is a bit cartoonish, and can certainly be offputting, but I’m enjoying both books.