Author: Stacy Baugher

Back in February of 2008, Stacy Baugher wrote his first article for Major Spoilers and started a solid run of work that would last for over two years. He wrote the first series of Comic Casting Couch articles as well as multiple Golden Age Hero Histories, reviews and commentaries. After taking a hiatus from all things fandom he has returned to the Major Spoilers fold. He can currently be found on his blog, , were he post progress on his fiction work as well as his photography and life in general, and on Twitter under the handle @stacybaugher . If you're of a mind, he also takes on all comers with the under the Xbox Live Gamertag, Lost Hours. He currently lives in Clinton, Mississippi with his understanding wife, and two kids.

All during the month of August, we where introduced to the newly leased MLJ/Red Circle/Archie superheroes through a series of one-shot issues that all tied together to form a loose mini-series called The Red Circle.  The Hangman, Inferno, The Web, and The Shield where all introduced into the DC continuity, to varying degrees of success. Now, after a skip-week, we have the first issue of the initial ongoing series based on those issues in the form of The Shield #1.  Does the Shield shine brighter in his own series than he did in his one-shot? Does his back-up story partner…

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With all the news that has been going on with Disney buying Marvel Comics, I thought that it would be nice to take a look at some of the Disney books that have been put out recently by Boom! Kids, who currently hold the license for several Disney and Pixar Books.  With Victoria recently reviewing the first issue of Monster’s Inc, and Stephen having reviewed the first issue of The Incredibles: Family Matters, I thought that I would take the time to review Finding Nemo: Reef Rescue #3, which was release September 10th at comic stores everywhere. Did the issue…

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When I walked into the comic shop last week and saw Red Tornado #1, I was rather surprised. Here was a character that I always saw in a supporting role and not really as the front and center headline type. He had been a big part of the Justice League of my early youth, was the mentor for Young Justice, and had recently been a pretty important player in some modern Justice League of America storylines.  I remembered reading the issue of Crisis on Infinite Earths where he became an elemental, as well as never being able to find a…

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Take one bored writer, access to the Intardwebz, and a up and coming comic book series, throw it in a pot and set it to boil, and you wind up with The Comic Casting Couch – a look at who Stacy B. would cast in his imaginary movie.  This time out – Firestorm: The Nuclear Man. Plot: Dr. Martin Stein, a scientist in the employee of the Hewitt Corporation, has developed a matter/conversion machine using a revolutionary power source he calls the Firestorm Matrix. The night before the big press conference to unveil his creation, his laboratory is attacked by…

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“Will he save the west–or ruin it?” That was the tag line that was used in various DC Comics house adds back in 1968, and they heralded the coming of the western hero known as Bat Lash. His first appearance in a story was in Showcase Presents #76 from 1968 and quickly graduated to his won title that same year. He is one of the most unique of DC’s western heroes and his early western adventures where recently reprinted in the current Showcase Presents format. How do the early adventures of Bat Lash stand up, over forty years later? Let’s…

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I am reading the news that the Boom Studios comic Irredeemable #6 has gone back to press for a second printing. To be honest, I have been away from comics for a while and some things have slipped past me in the last year or so, this being one of them.  With a little research and a nice internet connection, I quickly found out that this was a series that I wanted to read. Reason number one: the writer. I’ve enjoyed the work of Mark Waid since the days of The Comet for DC’s Impact Imprint. I enjoyed his spectacular…

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For the past three weeks, I have been reviewing the series of one-shots introducing the MLJ/Archie Comics characters into the DC Universe. Instead of introducing these characters stories into the DCU through the originally planned Brave and the Bold series, plans where changed and Michael J. Straczynski instead introduced the initial four characters into a series of weekly one shots. We started with  The Hangman, which I gave 2.5 out of 5 stars.  The next week,  Inferno was the character in the spotlight, and I gave him 1.5 stars out of 5. Just when things where starting to look really…

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Project: Superpowers, the amazing re-vitalization of old public domain heroes, continues this week with the second issue of the second mini-series by Alex Ross and company, and I get the pleasure of checking out the preview issue that Dynamite Entertainment provided.

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Continuing the series of one-shots introducing the MLJ/Archie Comics characters into the DCU that starting with   The Hangman and continuing in  Inferno, this week we have THE WEB.

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Last year, as part of my contribution to the Hero Histories, I covered the hero known as  The Green Lama. In the time since then, we have seen The Green Lama be a major player in the Project Superpowers series.  Now that he has been established as a major player in the Dynamite/Superpowers Universe, it is time to give him villain to fight. Introducing: Bloodlust!

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I’m still playing catch-up with my comic reading and reviews, so here is a rundown of the second issue of the latest Star Wars series from Dark Horse comics, released last week, August 5th.

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Sometimes you are lucky in life, and two of your most loved interest crossover.  For the last 18 years, Dark Horse Comics has been giving Star Wars fans a reason to read comics and comic fans a reason to read Star Wars.  This past July, they released another reason in the form of the new series, Star Wars: Invasion. A little background on the Invasion series: it takes place during the series of prose novels known as The New Jedi Order.  The New Jedi Order (or NJO for short) was a massive series that was comprised of 19 novels. Don’t…

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This week I decide to leave a purchase up to the comic book gods and buy the first non-spandex cover book that I saw on the shelf.  That book was Marvel’s Kid Colt one-shot.  You know, sometimes the gods are crazy, but a good crazy.

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