Author: Matthew Peterson

Once upon a time, there was a young nerd from the Midwest, who loved Matter-Eater Lad and the McKenzie Brothers... If pop culture were a maze, Matthew would be the Minotaur at its center. Were it a mall, he'd be the Food Court. Were it a parking lot, he’d be the distant Cart Corral where the weird kids gather to smoke, but that’s not important right now... Matthew enjoys body surfing (so long as the bodies are fresh), writing in the third person, and dark-eyed women. Amongst his weaponry are such diverse elements as: Fear! Surprise! Ruthless efficiency! An almost fanatical devotion to pop culture! And a nice red uniform.

I’m not gonna lie to you, Faithful Spoilerites.  Yesterday was a rough one for your humble MS-QOTD, a perfect storm of derision, condescension, bad lunch and emotional turmoil culminating with the pizza joint losing my order.  (Y’know it’s a bad one when my Twitter feed, containing the likes of Weird Al, Tom Lennon, Penn Jillette and Rodrigo can’t even cheer me up.)  Fortunately, during the day, I was able to mitigate my ever-growing flash mob of “GRRR”, thanks to the calming influence of my favorite actress, and my evening was finally saved by watching Ted Mosby get beaten up by…

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With all the recent media furor about people who don’t know the difference between “notorious” and “meaningful”, or even how not to steal your ideas from more talented artists, it’s been a tough couple of months to follow the social media streams-of-unconsciousness.  Luckily for me, I’ve been married for a long time, and I find it easy to drown out such recursive logic-bombs by wondering what ever happened to big brother Chuck Cunningham on ‘Happy Days.’  (Favorite theory: He met Mork first, not realizing that Orkans were actually the forerunners of Weeping Angels.)  Those kinds of questions keep me sane,…

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It occurred to me recently that Deadpool, a character that people seem to keep referring to as “new”, is actually a little over two decades old.  For my part, I do occasionally enjoy the character, (I was a pull-list customer for ‘Deadpool Team-Up’ not so long ago) and I can clearly see that he has the malleability necessary to last the long haul in comics, much like Batman and Spider-Man.  Still, my favorite part of any ‘Pool adventure is the fourth-wall breaking, wherein our hero (and the voices in his head) make reference to their existence as a comic-book character. …

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As a youth, I was fascinated by my cousin’s copy of the Superman/Spider-Man tabloid comic book, knowing just enough about comics to realize that the two characters didn’t usually interact.  Batman/Incredible Hulk followed, but it would be a decade and a half before they really started kicking out the metaphorical super-schmozz jams with Marvel Vs. DC, Spider-Man/Batman, Batman/Captain America and…  Honestly, mostly just random guys with Batman, now that I think of it.  There was an interesting miniseries in which a character with the epically uninspiring name of “Access” crossed back and forth, even merging the heroes together ala the…

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Invincible is going to be a father, while Monster Girl tries to come to terms with the years she spent in an alternate dimension and what they’ve done to her relationship.  Will an old foe make both their worries moot?  Your Major Spoilers review awaits!

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Over the years, the Time Lord known as The Doctor has traveled with a great many companions, from his own grand-daughter to a gobby Australian to (depending on what you consider to be official) a shape-shifting space-penguin.  The interactions have ranged from paternal to buddy-buddy and back, with a rare few clearly romantical in nature.  Sometimes the characters overshadow the work (like Clara), sometimes the work overshadows them (like poor Turlough) and sometimes they just flat don’t work at ALL (the android known as Khamelion.)  But in each and every case, the travel-mates chosen bring out new sides of our…

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The Crime Syndicate has disposed of the Justice League, and is now poised to take over the entire world.  The only loose thread comes in the form of a man trained by the Batman himself, a man now hunted…  Can even Nightwing prevail against his mentor’s evil counterpart?  Your Major Spoilers review awaits!

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With all the talk about Gal Gadot being cast as Wonder Woman in the upcoming ‘Man Of Steel’ sequel, people are abuzz wondering if this will be the film that starts the buildup to an official Justice League of America movie.  For my money, if you REALLY want to do JLA right, you need to forget about all that “Darkseid invasion” folderal, and have the most powerful heroes in the world go medieval on a giant echinoderm.  It’s what Chris Knight would call ‘a moral imperative!’  Your Major Spoilers (retro) review awaits!

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When I first discovered comics, the Big Two companies were coming out of a creative and financial doldrums, while several old-school purveyors of four-color fiction were either failings or on the way out.  The black-and-white boom was in its infancy, but eventually I came to recognize the work of two artists that I loved above all others, one of whom worked primarily at DC (George Perez) and another at Marvel (John Byrne.)  The work of either man could get me to pick up a title sight unseen, and I have a stack of some pretty crap comics to prove it. …

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The process of creating our daily query is a complex and diverse one, with some questions leaping from my head like Athena, while others require hours of massaging and tortured think-amajigs to achieve even a semblance of coherence.  (This one might had needed another seventeen minutes or so, now that I think of it.)  Once in a while, though, we have to consider one of the great posers that face us a species, one of the truly BIG questions that vex generations of our greatest scholars… But, since we’ve already done “Ginger vs. Mary Ann”, we’ll go another direction. The…

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A recent social media post reminded me of the existence of a minor DC character named Wild Dog, who was once heavily promoted to be the future of superheroics in the faraway year of 1987.  Though the character had a lot going for him, with some excellent art and a very timely premise, he dropped off the radar not long afterwards, with his only post-Reagan-era appearance that I am aware of during the massive battle sequence in Infinite Crisis.  Still, the gun-wielding hero from the Quad Cities isn’t the only “Next Big Thing” to not live up to the hype,…

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Here at Stately Spoilers Manor East (known also as “my divan”), I have one rule about comics: “Let’s read some!”  When I heard that the WWE would be making another run at comic book incarnations of their heels and faces and tweeners (OH MY!), I was skeptical.  But when I heard the writing would be by beloved Hall Of Famer Mick “Cactus Jack/Mankind/Dude Love” Foley, I knew this would be a series I’d have to check out.  How does it stack up?  Your Major Spoilers review awaits!

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