Author: Matthew Peterson

Once upon a time, there was a young nerd from the Midwest, who loved Matter-Eater Lad and the McKenzie Brothers... If pop culture were a maze, Matthew would be the Minotaur at its center. Were it a mall, he'd be the Food Court. Were it a parking lot, he’d be the distant Cart Corral where the weird kids gather to smoke, but that’s not important right now... Matthew enjoys body surfing (so long as the bodies are fresh), writing in the third person, and dark-eyed women. Amongst his weaponry are such diverse elements as: Fear! Surprise! Ruthless efficiency! An almost fanatical devotion to pop culture! And a nice red uniform.

Good day, Faithful Spoilerite.  I want to play a game.  I want you read this comic and not want to hit yourself repeatedly over the head with a meat tenderizer…  Your Major Spoilers (retro) review of Jigsaw #1 awaits!

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Professor Xavier’s School For Gifted Youngsters has been home to a lot of remarkable women, from Storm to Kitty Pryde to that one girl with the jets on her head.  But the first and foremost for me was always Jean Grey, telepath/telekinetic and bearer of the Phoenix Force.  She chose Scott Summers, and their wedding was a massive comic event circa 1994.  After her passing (or perhaps technically during the last months of her life and THEN after her passing) Scott was romantically pursued by Emma Frost, The White Queen, who was just as telepathic and just as formidable as…

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Mister Terrific has a plan that will change both earths forever, but has one complication: Terry Sloane.  Make that TWO complications…  Your Major Spoilers review of Earth 2: Futures End #1 awaits!

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Doop’s pursuit of Kitty Pryde has led him to a minor mental meltdown, and released an unknown horror from the backwaters of his mind.  Are you ready for… MAMA DOOP?  Your Major Spoilers review of All-New Doop #5 awaits!

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Even if it’s not the start of your weekend (Shout-Out to my weekend proletariat!  Weird work schedules represent!), there’s something special about a Friday.  At my day job, it’s actually one of the busiest days for actual work content, but people tend to be generally less stressy, and I know that I get to watch ‘Smackdown’, the wrestling B-Show, where there is a lot more chance of young, inexperienced guys totally blowing a promo or finishing move.  Being on the cutting edge of pop culture, I’m reminded of the words of the great philosopher Rebecca Black, “Partyin, Partyin, YEAH!” And…

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This week marks the release of part one of ‘The Death of Wolverine’, a shocking comic book story of which a review can be found here.  As with every comic book death, mourners are lining the streets with candles and hoods to lament the loss of one of our greatest superhero-type legends, assured that this time, the Canucklehead’s time has run out.  With a career that spans more than a century, from his days wearing a night-dress to the inexplicable tiger stripes and back, Wolverine has appeared in many, MANY stories and had thousands of adventures.  Indeed, owing to his…

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With his healing factor negated by a sentient virus, The Wolverine has been feeling the effects of age and abuse on his hundred-fifty-plus year old body, and now there’s a contract on his head.  Is the curtains for the loose cannon of the X-Men?  The book isn’t called “The Tea Party With Wolverine” now, is it?  Your Major Spoilers review of The Death Of Wolverine #1 awaits!

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This week, while pickin’ my books for our weekly Staff Picks feature, I discovered that a new comic would be launching featuring the adventures of Alice Cooper as the Lord of Nightmares, a book I’m going to be buying for sure.  Indeed, in the long and varied history of comics purportedly featuring the adventures of real people have been a staple of comics for decades.  Uri Gellar notably helped Daredevil defeat a villainous mentalist in the 70s, Roy Rogers and many of his cowboy ilk had their own books in the 40s (indeed, it wasn’t until a recent episode of…

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In the United States, the first Monday in September is designated Labor Day, a holiday to celebrate the contributions of the working class, and also my favorite secondary holiday.  Having worked for a whole lot of jerks in my time, I can tell you that it is possible to be successful even when your immediate overseers are malicious, corrupt, incompetent or inattentive, a situation that makes me happy to have the chance to work at Major Spoilers.  The Robot Overlord may have a history of disintegrations, but he’s pretty consistent in his iron-fisted rule, and doesn’t even mind that I…

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We’re wrapping up Flash Month in our Retro Review Corner!  The Golden Age of Comics was full to the brim with super-heroes of all shapes and sizes, including more than one guy who ran fast.  When editor Julius Schwartz went looking for a new character for Showcase, he went back to the beginning and rebooted one of the first, which led to a whole new superhero renaissance.  Your Major Spoilers (retro) review of Showcase #4 awaits!

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With the recent debut of the Twelfth Doctor, the creators seem to be actively combating the perception that its central characters are a romantic couple, something that I’m fully behind as a viewer.  Sure, there are great moments to be had with that concept, but I think it’s good to try another tack.  Some of the best Doctor/Companion interactions had no romantic overtones at all, and it’s perfectly valid for our hero to want to travel through space and time with a good friend, a protegée or even (GASP!) a dude.  Indeed, if I were The Doctor myself, first of…

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The tenth incarnation (by some counts, anyway) of the man called The Doctor is back, or perhaps he never left?  Either way, he’s the skinny one with the coat and the sand shoes, and all of time and space awaits him!  Your Major Spoilers review of Doctor Who – The Tenth Doctor #2 awaits!

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I’m not sure how many actual mutants are left in the Marvel Universe (at one point, they claimed 198, which was immediately revised when someone realized there are more Wolverine knockoffs than that, and that the team rosters would have to change eventually), but they’re slowly being supplanted by Inhumans, a phenomenon which many attribute to Marvel not holding the movie rights to the X-Men.  Regardless, in the fifty-odd years since the X-Men first debuted, we’ve seen an awful lot of mutants, and in recent years it has become a running theme that one’s power reflects one’s true inner self,…

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