Author: Matthew Peterson

Once upon a time, there was a young nerd from the Midwest, who loved Matter-Eater Lad and the McKenzie Brothers... If pop culture were a maze, Matthew would be the Minotaur at its center. Were it a mall, he'd be the Food Court. Were it a parking lot, he’d be the distant Cart Corral where the weird kids gather to smoke, but that’s not important right now... Matthew enjoys body surfing (so long as the bodies are fresh), writing in the third person, and dark-eyed women. Amongst his weaponry are such diverse elements as: Fear! Surprise! Ruthless efficiency! An almost fanatical devotion to pop culture! And a nice red uniform.

When the Buffy canonical series started with Season 8 several years ago, I was on the edge of my seat each month for more vampire-slaying action.  I’ve drifted away from her adventures in recent months, but we’re going to remedy that situation here today!  Your Major Spoilers review of Buffy The Vampire Slayer: Season 10 #11 awaits!

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Even superhumans aren’t always immune to the ravages of age, but what would you be willing to sacrifice to keep your edge?  Your Major Spoilers review of Astro City #19 awaits!

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In terms of movie and television adaptations, there’s never been a better time to be a comics fan.  With literally dozens of adaptations in the pipeline, an amazing Avengers franchise, the promise of the Justice League, plus Arrow, Flash, Constantine and even (ugh) Gotham having strong seasons, there are a lot of great options out there for those who want to see the four-color fave-raves on screens big and small.  Of course, that doesn’t mean we can’t hope for even more, as I did this week when challenged to cast my dream Teen Titans live-action show circa 1994 or so. …

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Full disclosure: While the last couple of Retro Reviews represented the top-selling Marvel and DC books of the year 2005, I can’t find the numbers on the top-selling independent books.  (The Top 300 Comics of that year consist entirely of Marvel/DC joints, unsurprisingly.)  So, looking month-over-month, I found an issue that sold really well and seemed noteworthy, then rolled my mental dice and figured we’re probably close enough…  Either way, we’re in for quite a ride with Mark Millar at the helm. Your Major Spoilers (Retro) Review of Wanted #6 awaits! **Today’s Retro Review contains adult themes, language and violence. …

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This week’s Saturday movie night featured “Mister Peabody and Sherman”, a film chosen by the Widget and only tolerated by the father (that’s me, BTW) because she has been sick and because I liked the original Jay Ward cartoons as a child.  It was pretty much the same Dreamworks plot (including the obligatory “emotional arc” for the characters) we’ve seen half a dozen time, but at least parts of it were funny.  They at least tried to include the absurdism and terrible puns that marked the original, though, and it entertained the Widget and made her want to travel back…

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Much has been made of the ‘Axis’ revelations that Wanda and Pietro are not related to Magneto after all (a development that is itself a retconned plot point.)  Some say that it’s the end of the Marvel Universe as we know it, that the comics we love (and we know you do too) are now merely afterthoughts to support the more lucrative land of movies and merchandising.  Rumors are even ricocheting about that Marvel is cancelling Fantastic Four specifically to spite the makers of the FF movie, and will be doing the same with X-Men, in order to not provide…

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The new Star Wars #1 came out this week (Major Spoilers’ own Chris Wilson weighs in here), and many fans have expressed that the franchise returning to the Marvel Comics fold (where it originated back in 1977) somehow feels right.  For many of the years that I have been enjoying and collecting comics, there has been an ongoing rivalry between the “Big Two” companies, Marvel and DC, and many people identify their stance as collector entirely by which company they prefer.  Is it this that makes us want to see the big M in the corner of a Star Wars…

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Followers of the Complete Major Spoilers Experience (or at least those who follow our Twitter hijinks) were privy to a discussion this week about which members of the Star Trek crew represented which members of the Major Spoilers crew. (I still say Stephen is Sisko, Rodrigo is Dax, I’m Kira and Zach is Doctor Bashir, but that’s my DS9 bias showing.) It was interesting to see how our own self-images compared to our public perceptions, but also to see how people categorize the likes of Doctor McCoy and the utterly amazing Montgomery Scott, which leads us to today’s future-shock query……

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Certain characters are recognized by everyone as representing a sea-change.  Superman inspired the creation of the entire superhero genre, Batman is the source of an abundance of recurring hero tropes, Spider-Man inspired a realm of characters with human failings and personalities.  But what of those characters who DON’T get the same recognition for their place in history?  Welcome to Ten Things!

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Ever since a strange man compelled her husband to jump out a window, Katya Walker has been on the run.  Now, she might have some answers, if she can only keep her stepson under control…  Your Major Spoilers review of The Names #5 awaits!

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This weekend’s accidental entertainments (the vagaries of Cox Cable have shut down a couple of my regular channels thanks to negotiation difficulties) included the latest X-Men film (not bad), the second half of ‘Jumanji’ (surprisingly enjoyable), and Top Gun’, which as always is a testosterone-laden Reagan-era impolitic train wreck of a film…  and I couldn’t look away.  It’s a film that lives and dies on the charisma of actors (especially Val Kilmer, whom I have always admired), and even though I hate Maverick and everything he says, does and represents, it was still an enjoyable viewing experience, which leads us…

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The truth of Angela’s heritage has finally been revealed, but she’s not particularly happy about it.  What will the secret daughter of Asgard do now?  Your Major Spoilers review of Angela – Asgard’s Assassin #2 awaits!

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Our first official Retro Review journeys to the comics of 2005 continue, with the top-selling DC comic of that year that doesn’t really seem like a whole decade ago, but is the comic actually any good?  The answer is… …complicated.  Your Major Spoilers (retro) review of All-Star Batman And Robin The Boy Wonder #1 awaits!

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