Author: Matthew Peterson

Once upon a time, there was a young nerd from the Midwest, who loved Matter-Eater Lad and the McKenzie Brothers... If pop culture were a maze, Matthew would be the Minotaur at its center. Were it a mall, he'd be the Food Court. Were it a parking lot, he’d be the distant Cart Corral where the weird kids gather to smoke, but that’s not important right now... Matthew enjoys body surfing (so long as the bodies are fresh), writing in the third person, and dark-eyed women. Amongst his weaponry are such diverse elements as: Fear! Surprise! Ruthless efficiency! An almost fanatical devotion to pop culture! And a nice red uniform.


Victor Stone has a whole new attitude and a new armored interface, and is rebuilding his life separate of the JLA. Too bad about the cybernetic aliens headed straight for him…  Your Major Spoilers review of Cyborg #2 awaits!

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The earliest days of Marvel Comics were full of truly amazing artists: Kirby, Ditko, Dick Ayers and more.  Those early days were a revelation for fans of dynamic art, but things got even wilder as the sixties came to a close and the psychedelic/op art movement hit the Bullpen.  Audiences in 1969 certainly were, but are YOU ready for the magic of Steranko?  Your Major Spoilers (Retro) Review of Captain America #110 awaits!

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Editor’s Note: The title of this week’s edition of Ten Things is chosen for its iconic value and recognition factor, and also because “Ten Men And/Or Women Of Steel Or Other Commensurate Metallic Substance!” would be FAR too long for our title bar…  Welcome to Ten Things!

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It’s been exactly two years since the unceremonious cancellation of the Legion of Super-Heroes, after more than four decades of continuous publication, and to be honest?  I’m still a bit miffed.  It was bad enough that the creative team was allowed to ignore the many interesting plot hooks set up by the revitalization of the team, then center the story on a sociopathic, murderous xenophobe’s redemption arc, but then DC editorial closed up the Legion’s final issue with the revelation that this wasn’t actually the “real” LSH we’d been reading about at all, but the Earth-2 version.  Notwithstanding the callous…

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When I was 11 or 12, I took a lot of flak from a gym teacher for drawing a Green Lantern ring on my finger.  (I also got in serious trouble for using that same finger for a rude gesture, but that’s another matter.)  Ever since that time, up until DC editorial made Hal Jordan into such a putz, I enjoyed the concept of the Green Lantern ring, even wondering who would wear it best.  Certain Saturn Girl would make one hell of a Lantern, as would Stephen Strange…  Heck, part of me thinks that the idea of Green Lantern…

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This week’s Major Spoilers podcast featured a review of Archie #2, which nearly led to the ever-repeating comic-reading question, ‘Betty or Veronica?’  But we no longer live in such a binary society (and everybody knows the answer is and will always be “Betty”.)  When I was a young’n, we didn’t argue about the ladies of Riverdale anyway, but instead the denizens of Titans Tower.  Some liked the girl-next-door approachability of Wonder Girl, others the strange otherworldly proto-Gothiness of Raven, still others the expressive and passionate Starfire.  Some were impressed by Cyborg’s physique, and there’s nothing wrong with that either, which…

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We’ve looked at unofficial crossover before here in Retro Review corner, such as the Aquaman story that concluded in an issue of Sub-Mariner, and the wild and wacky battle between (for some values of between) The Invaders and The Freedom Fighters. But this sort of thing didn’t only happen in the wild and wacky 70s, as we’re about to find out…  Your Major Spoilers (Retro) Review of DNAgents #14 awaits!

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In many ways, they hold the same relative position in their universes: Fan and creator-beloved super-team, filled with unusual and unlikely heroes, never quite first-tier material but always heroic just the same, with multiple relaunches since their salad days.  Born of the 1960s, the heroes of the Doom Patrol prefigured the X-Men’s “freaks trapped in a world they never made” gimmick, and introduced many key figures in the DC Universe: Beast Boy of the Teen Titans, Robotman, and the wonderfully absurd Animal-Vegetable-Mineral Man.  Alpha Flight’s heyday came two decades later in the 1980s, thanks to superstar artist John Byrne, giving…

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Most entry-level nerds known a little about Doctor Who.  Some can quote chapter and verse, knowing about Tennant and Baker and Smith and Capaldi and the other Baker.  But sometimes, in time-travel, things can get weird.  Welcome to Ten Things!

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Forced to make terrible decisions, The Doctor has been abandoned by his own TARDIS, left adrift without the ability to travel through time and space.  But it gets worse when he finds out who his TARDIS has chosen as her new master.  Your Major Spoilers review of Doctor Who: The Eleventh Doctor #15 awaits!

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You kids today don’t know how good you have it when it comes to your Doctor Who.  Sure, occasionally we have months-long waits between series or breaks in production, but there was a time where there was no new TV Who being made at all.  So, what happens when your series hits a big milestone but there’s no programme to celebrate it?  Your Major Spoilers (Retro) Review of Doctor Who Magazine #272 – Happy Deathday! awaits!

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Today, Major Spoilers celebrates Doctor Who Day!  As a comic-book fan, I come from a world of massive inter-company crossover madness, so I’m always fascinated by multiple Doctor time-travel stories.  As such, I find it a little fascinating that the majority of those stories tend to feature three Doctors at a time.  The 10th Anniversary Doctor Who crossover, ‘The Three Doctors’ makes an obvious example, but the 20th anniversary special, ‘The Five Doctors,’ also featured three Doctors (discounting stock footage of the Fourth and a new actor in the role of the First.)  The same is true of the 50th…

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