Author: Matthew Peterson

Once upon a time, there was a young nerd from the Midwest, who loved Matter-Eater Lad and the McKenzie Brothers... If pop culture were a maze, Matthew would be the Minotaur at its center. Were it a mall, he'd be the Food Court. Were it a parking lot, he’d be the distant Cart Corral where the weird kids gather to smoke, but that’s not important right now... Matthew enjoys body surfing (so long as the bodies are fresh), writing in the third person, and dark-eyed women. Amongst his weaponry are such diverse elements as: Fear! Surprise! Ruthless efficiency! An almost fanatical devotion to pop culture! And a nice red uniform.

Be not fooled, Faithful Spoilerites!  Though this issue may bear a publishing date of the year 2000, what’s inside is pure 1963 Silver Age madness.  It’s the greatest Radioactive Man story ever told!  Your Major Spoilers (Retro) Review of Radioactive Man #100 awaits!

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News broke this week about DC Comics’ plan to revamp and rejigger the classic Hanna Barbera cartoon properties, including the very divisive decision to do an updated Scooby Doo with modern references, in what seems to be a post-apocalyptic world.  Given how good ‘Afterlife With Archie’ has been, I think it is foolish to immediately dismiss such a story as unworkable, but it is a major change for a property as old as I am.  Still, 45 years is a long time, and the possibility that a hipster Shaggy with what may be a partially cybernetic Scooby fighting against the…

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The X-Men are stuck in Limbo, forced into exile by the Terrigen mists which are fatal to mutants.  But can they survive on their own in a strange netherworld?  Your Major Spoilers review of Extraordinary X-Men #6 awaits!

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In 2011, when DC relaunched their comic-book universe, the characters of Jim Lee’s Wildstorm Publishing (originally part of the Image Comics line back in ’93) were folded into the new iteration of the DC Universe, allowing the likes of Spartan and Mr. Majestic to stand side-by-side with Red Tornado and Superman.  Though few of the Wildstorm characters still have their own titles (Is Midnighter still being published?), it was interesting to see their world history become part of the oldest continuing shared universe, leading me to wonder what Youngblood would be like in the Marvel Universe or how different the…

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If you’ve ever seen a flip phone or used a touch-screen tablet, you already know the effect that fifty years of Star Trek have had on real-world technology.  Though we don’t have a transporter (yet), many an internet wag has commented on the parallels between communicators and wireless communication, or replicators and 3-D printers, and who doesn’t love a breakaway velour pullover?  Heck, my minivan even looks like the TOS shuttlecraft (though that’s not even the same thing, like AT ALL), leading us to today’s prescient query… The MS-QOTD (pronounced “bay-lah and low-keye”) really wants a holodeck for… …reasons, asking:  Which…

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In days of yore, spouses would adorn the heads of their long-time spouses with silver or gold, but these days, even the first anniversary has a traditional gift representing the phases of marriage.  But where do the super-dupers come in to this?  Welcome to Ten Things!

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Marvel’s highest-profile female hero (sorry, She-Hulk) takes to the skies once more in her own solo book…  Your Major Spoilers review of Captain Marvel #1 awaits!

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After months in deep space, universe-spanning (and universe-creating) adventures, Norrin Radd and Dawn Greenwood are returning to Earth.  But, will it be the way it was when they left it?  Your Major Spoilers review of Silver Surfer #1 awaits!

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As someone who grew a goatee in the early 1990s (I went to a Halloween party as ‘The Evil Me From The Mirror Universe’) and never shaved, I have no illusions of beardly glory.  To be blunt, I’d look awful with the currently fashionable coal miner/goat beard anyway and I can’t really pull off a glorious Steve Austin policeman’s mustache, so it’s probably my best option.  When it comes down to it, perhaps my favorite fictional beard belongs to Violet from ‘Rat Queens’ (she shaved it off before it was cool), but metafictionally speaking, it’s all about the luxurious sideburns…

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With the 2015 demise of my old PS3, one of my requested Chrimmus gifts was one of the new PS3 Slim consoles, on the though process that it’s cheaper than a PS4, and will still play my extant games until I decide whether I’m entering the next generation of consoles.  To that end, I’ve been replaying Grand Theft Auto 5 using all the optimization tips I can find (I’m up to 350 million dollars as Michael, thanks to stock fraud) and deciding which ending I want my game to have.  As someone who understands drama in a narrative, I prefer…

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Artistic preference is a strange beast: For 20 years now, give or take a hiatus, I’ve been reading and enjoying Astro City, a series featuring covers and art design by Alex Ross, whose work I otherwise just don’t enjoy.  Having been there in 1993, when his work suddenly exploded everywhere, I was as impressed as any fanboy or girl, but I’ve never had the awed response (or the insistence that All Comics should look like his) that some of my peers had, leading to today’s entirely subjective query… The MS-QOTD (pronounced, as always, “misquoted”) couldn’t live in a world permanently…

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With the return of The X-Files nearly upon us, and Twin Peaks, 24 and probably Too Close For Comfort in the wings, the world of 2016 reboots is a dizzying place.  Still, there are a number of lost favorites not returning (Firefly? The Greatest American Hero? My Two Dad’s?) and dozens of favorite creators looking for projects, which leaves us ample room for today’s casting couch query… The MS-QOTD (pronounced, as always, “misquoted”) would love to see Battle Of The Planets/Gatchaman return to American shores, with my chosen creator being ‘Anyone But Haim Saban’, asking: What’s your dream pick for the…

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In the Golden Age of Comics, the majority of powers were magically derived, from rings, relics, helmets and strange wizards hiding in subways.  (Strange women lying ponds distributing swords were either later or MUCH earlier, depending on how you count.). These days, even powers that are literally impossible, like Cyclops eye-blasts, are given pseudo-scientific explanations, and the shining city of Asgard is (in the Marvel Cinematic Universe) explained as merely advanced aliens.  With Doctor Strange on the movie horizon, many are wondering how his mystical gimmick might work, leading to today’s ‘Hoary Hosts Of Hoggoth’ query… The MS-QOTD (pronounced, as…

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