Author: Matthew Peterson

Once upon a time, there was a young nerd from the Midwest, who loved Matter-Eater Lad and the McKenzie Brothers... If pop culture were a maze, Matthew would be the Minotaur at its center. Were it a mall, he'd be the Food Court. Were it a parking lot, he’d be the distant Cart Corral where the weird kids gather to smoke, but that’s not important right now... Matthew enjoys body surfing (so long as the bodies are fresh), writing in the third person, and dark-eyed women. Amongst his weaponry are such diverse elements as: Fear! Surprise! Ruthless efficiency! An almost fanatical devotion to pop culture! And a nice red uniform.

Welcome to Inside Astro City, a column focusing on the Vertigo Comics series Astro City from Kurt Busiek, Brent Anderson, and Alex Ross!  Each month, we’ll take a look at the current issue of the series, and ask series writer Kurt Busiek questions about the book.  This month, Steeljack’s story wraps up, but is it a happy ending? It’s Inside Astro City #34!

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That Black Widow’s checkered past is being used to blackmail her into doing the bidding of a mysterious figure in the shadows.  Can she break his hold over her before the worst occurs?  Your Major Spoilers review of Black Widow #3 awaits!

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“Captain America: Civil War” brings several new players into the Marvel Cinematic Universe, but one of them hasn’t had four movie origins since 2002…  Allow us to introduce you to The Black Panther!  Your Major Spoilers (Retro) Review of Fantastic Four #52 awaits!

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Alien parasites have flooded a small town, and bad things are about to happen…  Your Major Spoilers review of Bloodlines #2 awaits!

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Some might say that the world is a chessboard, to which I respond by quoting the sage advice of prog-rock group, Yes:  “Don’t surround yourself with yourself!  Move on back a square!” I don’t really know what it means, but that’s cool, ’cause the news is captured for my queen to use.  (Doot doot doot doot doot doot doot da-doot!)  Welcome to Ten Things!

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